Originally Posted by inquisitor
As you're apparently using a Nokia phone (at least the Google results for "Service com. editor" suggest this) please go to Message | Options | Message Settings | Sending Profiles - select the first item among the Sending Profiles and edit the Message centre number to match the following: +491760000443
For "Messages sent as" choose "Text" and save this.
Now retry sending a message and also try sending a text to you own Lidl number to rule out an inter-network problem. If it still fails you should perhaps try sending a text from another phone to rule out that there's a problem with your phone.
Also it would be good to know if you can receive SMS from other people.
Yes, it is a Nokia phone.
I found a similar menu option, that the number you provided was already entered correctly.
As I said, I receive all SMS messages sent to me, even when I have been outside of Germany. It is only sending SMS messages that is the problem.
I attempted to send an SMS to my own Lidl number and got the same "Check operator services" error.