Thread: Vodafone Spain
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f300 (Offline)
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Posts: 72
Join Date: 12 Mar 2008

Default 23-03-2012, 14:34

I'm quite sure this is what I used (based on google...) and it was also mentioned that it will be charged.
What's more after I reached zero credit I received the following "offer" from 22417:

Promocion Vodafone:
Te regalamos todas las consultas de saldo que solicites en los 2 meses desde el dia en que actuivaste tu telefono. Aprovechalor, marca *134#.

I don't know spanish but it looks like they would give me this "credit check" for free for two months. But this happened about one week after the SIM was activated so it doesn't come by default, it is related either to my credit running out either to me registering to myvodafone.
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