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1040Berlin (Offline)
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Default 14-03-2012, 10:59

Originally Posted by kuba.g View Post
I have bought mine not so long ago.
It costs 15 CHF and includes 15 CHF credit. You can buy it in every K Kiosk (you find them pretty much everywhere in Switzerland; in almost every railway station etc.)

The first 90 days of internet are free (meaning that 15 CHF will be all you have to pay to use internet for 2 weeks) after that you pay 2 CHF per day.

To be able to use it you have to register it. This is done by filling in the K Kiosk and letting them check it with your passport. I did this at 20:00 in the evening and my card was activated by 7:00 the next day.
This tariff obviously was revised by Ok-mobil (Talk Easy company): The SIM card now includes only 10 CHF and there is no special starting offer for internet usage any more. The total cost for a holiday traveller is now:

=== To get 1 GB data package===
SIM card: 15 CHF (including 10 CHF credit)
Top up: 10 CHF (to achieve at total credit of 20 CHF)
Total cost: 25 CHF (20.65 EUR)
1 GB date package: 15 CHF from available credit (send SMS to 1250: Bundle Data1000)
Left for calls and SMS: 5 CHF

=== To get 300 MB data package ===
SIM card: 15 CHF (including 10 CHF credit)
Total cost: 15 CHF (12.39 EUR)
300 MB data package: 7 CHF from available credit (send SMS to 1250: Bundle Data300)
Left for calls and SMS: 3 CHF
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