13-03-2012, 11:58
It is not bad, but also it's a strange offer
You can use it for 99ct/day, but only up to a MONTHLY volume of 200MB !!!!
After having reached these 200MB the speed will be throttled to max 64kBit/s download and 16kBit/s upload. Happy browsing!
congstar Prepaid Surf Tagesflat
Tagesflat für mobiles Surfen.
Günstige Surf Tagesflat für 99 Cent/Nutzungstag
HSDPA-Speed mit max. 7,2 Mbit/s bis 200 MB/Monat
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Täglich flexibel zu- und abbuchen
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congstar Prepaid Surf Tagesflat + 0,99 €/Nutzungstag