Thanks! I don't have a German bank account, and my parents don't want theirs given out.
Anyway, I received another reply from fonic. They keep changing where the bonus actually came from:
Eine erneute Prüfung Ihres Anliegens hat ergeben, dass der Bonus, den Sie bisher erhalten haben, von der Freundschaftswerbung Ihrer Tochter stammt. Dies kann man am gleichen Zeitpunkt erkennen.
Die Freundschaftswerbung des anderen Werbers konnte auch Ihnen nicht gewährt werden, weil der Werber, wie bereits beschrieben, im Oktober schon 5 Personen geworben hatte. Aus diesem Grund haben auch Sie den Bonus nicht erhalten.
But I guess they've had enough of my questions and gave me the bonus anyhow.

Not sure why they would say you were over the limit of 5, when they only gave you 2 for October. Maybe they will trickle in later?
Btw after doing this your SIM will still remain active and you can recharge it if you ever need it again.
You mean, the card doesn't get deactivated after a certain amount of time? That would be fantastic! I'm a little tired of hunting down a new sim for each trip to Germany!