Well I followed inquisitor's advice and went to pick up a Lidl Mobile SIM-Karte here in Cologne.. and the store was sold out of both the SIM, and Surf-stick kit..
Well no matter, there will be plenty of stores in t.. no, sold out at the next store as well. Well, I better get going down to Munich. There'll be more stores there in town right? SOLD OUT HERE TOO.
I've been to
4 Lidl stores in 2 cities so far and every one has been sold out. So on my third day in Germany I said f*** this s**t, and walked into a Müller drugstore across the street from my hotel, and bought the Fonic kit. Activation went smoothly, I've added inquisitor for my 5€ friend credit.. and then they took 21 hours to activate my flat data rate, forcing me to eat nearly my entire initial voucher credit. Very slimy tactics there- sending me an
acknowledgment SMS of my request to change plan within a few minutes, but then waiting 20+ hours to send a
confirmation that the change had actually been implemented.
You submit the change request, they send back a notice asking you to reply JA/NEIN to the change, then they reply with the acknowledgment of your change.. which caught me out.. but then it seems somebody actually goes and makes the change by hand, and they send you a confirmation when it's actually been done.