Lowest initial credit or top up available ? -
21-07-2011, 07:40
Hi All
Some great reading on this site but this is my first post.
I am going to be in Germany for 4 days and need a pre paid sim almost exclusively to receive calls and at worst I might need to make the odd text so looking for the lowest top up available.
I am visiting a friend so can ask him to register on Netzclub. Does Netzclub allow you to use the free data without topping up anything ? That would work perfect for me as if I needed to send a text I could do it via mobile data.
Otherwise I have seen you can get a free Lebera mobile sim, does anyone know what the minimum top up is?
I know I can go into Reisebuero or several other shops and get a 10 euro starter pack from other networks but trying to avoid this if possible as there is a chance I won’t make any calls, just receive them.
Any help would be great.
Many thanks