Thread: Data Roaming
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drama queen (Offline)
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Posts: 65
Join Date: 02 May 2010

Default 19-07-2011, 06:40

Originally Posted by kuba.g View Post
How much data do you expect to use?

As all the countries you want to visit are included in Vodafone-roaming-packages the three most obvious offers to look into would be:

- Vodafone Italy: €2,50/day for 50MB, €1/MB afterwards (LINK)
- Vodafone Ireland: €2,99/day for 50MB, not sure how much afterwads (LINK)
- Blau Germany: €4,99/week for 50MB, can be bought as frequently as you like (LINK)

With the Vodafone offers your main problem is when you use up the 50MB. Then you get charged the normal rip-off rates ! With Blau you don't have this problem, but the package is a bit more expensive, but it's valid for a whole week.

So you need to think about what amounts of data you are planning to use.

If you get problems with the shipping to Brazil, let me know. We're here to help each other after all
Vodafone Ireland have an interesting offer at the moment - free data roaming anywhere in Europe. It is not just restricted to Vodafone countries or networks. This means you can get data throughout Europe for Irish prepaid rate 0.99c per day - up to 50MB and €1 per MB over 50MB. probably the best rates available across Europe at the moment. Minimum online topup is €10 so you can have 500MB over 10 days for €10. Each day you use Internet, credit is decremented by 0.99c

If you combine this with the Meteor Ireland free voice roaming these two Irish SIMs will let you roam Europe with minimum roaming costs. Hard to beat these Irish offers.
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