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greektourist (Offline)
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Default Vodafone is maybe even better with cheaper international costs? - 30-06-2011, 17:58

After some revisions of mobile operators offers in Greece, I concluded that Vodafone would be better option for me for the needs I mentioned here.
Apropos Vodafone I do have a few questions:
I see that international calls are so much cheaper when Vodafone international prepay is chosen. I see the prices are even lower when some blank sms is sent: "Charges after sending a blank SMS to 1235". Can anyone explain that to me? How much will I be charged for sending that sms? Do I need to send that sms only once, or maybe before every call I wanna make? Maybe stupid question, but I haven't founded any related info.

According to internet offer I see Surf & Email 200 data plan. I just wonted to ask if this is available to activate on the Vodafone international prepay plan, and would you recommend this plan better than wind data plan mentioned in my previous post?

After all, would your advise be to use Wind or Vodafone prepay plan for my needs explained above.
Thanks in advance.
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