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petkow (Offline)
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Prepaid Pioneer
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Default 21-12-2010, 19:08

Not just the OP, but there is a general time restriction on users editing their posts. It is a policy on some forums and I suppose stems from problem associated with people over-editing and/or deleting their posts so that the thread can become difficult to follow. If no edits are allowed, it is possible to follow a chronological sequence of how events have taken place. Otherwise, things get a bit complicated. The downside is that new users generally have to read the whole thread to make sure they have the latest updated information.

The way I see it, the website has two parts: One part is supposed to contain updated information on prepaid national and international SIMs. This part is only maintained by the Admins. The other parts is the forum, which apart from being for general discussion, it is also where new additions to the other part can be discussed. Having said that, the forum part isn't really intended to work like a wiki, (where users maintain the first post in a thread with updates). If new information is required to be added, a new post should be made. Eventually, the info should really get absorbed into the other part of the website.
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