Thread: Data for iPad
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wco81 (Offline)
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Default 10-12-2010, 15:37

Originally Posted by MarkA View Post
FYI for those interested in my results. We found a WIND store near the Milan train station and purchased both the standard sim for the GSM phone and a 1G plan for the iPad. The only tricky part about the phone for us non-prepaid folks is recharging the phone. A few questions to our hotel personnel and that was easily resolved. The iPad worked fine in most areas and the device worked fine after the one-day wait (turnon) period. The iPad was very useful and we used an Italian GPS program when we hired a car.... ok it uses the GPS signal and not the Cell but both we handy to have when we traveled, especially when we got lost.
What is this Italian GPS program? And you used the iPad for the GPS?

Here's some more info I found about iPad data options in Italy:

Want to use my IPAD in Italy - Page 4 - Apple iPad Forum

Of course, nobody mentioned that you can just take any SIM and cut it to fit inside the microSIM slot. There are also cutters which will do that.

Would also apply to iPhone 4 if you can get an unlocked one or jailbreak and unlock it.
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