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Stu (Offline)
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Prepaid Guru
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Location: Detroit (formerly Dubai)

Default 08-12-2010, 23:19

Mark is a technophobe who thinks I make things too complicated and mocks me about the number of SIM chips I have. Living in the UK, however, has taught him the value of being parsimonious.

He has a hard time keeping one alive and unlike his teenage son and wife, he rarely uses the phone. As he is taking charge of the family's migration project, however, he is coming to the US with his son for a month and a half this summer to get him a US driver's license and finalize his US citizenship. He is then going for two weeks to France (their rates match EU prepaid SIM rates there), and then going to OZ to help set up their new home, and then returning to England to pack up the UK house.

I don't know that he should give Truphone $15 a month forever, but I think that June through October may be a good bet for him to be reached in one place worldwide without having to deal with callbacks, etc.

I was thinking that he should get an OZ number, pay the $15. I can give him a US number and a UK number (UK DDI). I have a source for Michigan DIDs. One of my clients is a small Michigan VOIP service and they give me as many DIDs as I want. Once he is in OZ for good, stop paying the $15 and use the phone as his local phone. He is the perfect candidate for prepaid and a few cents more than a local SIM isn't going to matter for his light usage.

My roaming SIMs have gravitated to Ekit and Maxroam (buying a US virtual number). I now have an iPhone with ATT's unlimited worldwide data which gives me free VOIP over 3g, a great callback trigger device, and the ability to forward my DID on the fly to the prepaid SIM de jour. I effectively have 8 US cents a minute calling everywhere in most of Western Europe, OZ, etc. I'm paying only US$0.10 a minute in the Bahamas!

I then loan my roaming SIMs to friends who wind up making enough outbound calls ib tgen that even the roaming SIM companies do well off me. I'm down to a UAE and a UK prepaid SIM and will probably ditch the UK one when I run out of money, but the free Skype calls <=> my Asterisks box make it tempting.
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