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Schlips1 (Offline)
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Join Date: 20 Sep 2009

Arrow St. Maarten / St. Martin overview - 15-11-2010, 23:23

Here a short overview about the actual situation in St. Maarten (NL) / St. Martin (F).

There are four (4) networks on the french side and two (2) network on the "netherland" part. On the north coast (beloning to the french part) there a good chances to get the three (3) networks from Anguilla.

The french part is beloning to France but starting 10th of October 2010 the "netherland" part may be seen as an independent country. Therefore the EU roaming regulations are valid as long as you are connected to one of the french networks. They are not valid for the networks of the "netherland" part nor for Anguilla!

All (!) networks are offering a prepaid service

The nine (9) networks are:

French side (Country code 340)

Orange Caraïbe
GSM 900 / 1800 & UMTS 2100
Network 340-01
Roaming on Telcell (free of charges) and international
Orange Guadeloupe

Dauphin (a.k.a. Amigo)
GSM 900 / 1800
Network 340-08
Roaming on Telcell (free of charges)
Dauphin Telecom Téléphonie mobile, Internet aux Antilles St-Martin

Digicel F
GSM 900 / 1800 & UMTS 2100
Network 340-20
Roaming on Telcell (with charges) and international
Accueil - Digicel Mobiles Guadeloupe, Guyane, Martinique. Sonneries, Logos, Promos. Digicel Forfaits, Cartes, Couverture et roaming, Questions et Réponses, Aide, Trouver un détaillant et plus avec Digicel Guadeloupe, Guyane, Martinique!

GSM 900 / 1800
Network 340-03
Roaming on UTS NL (free of charges) but not international
no URL see

Netherland side (Country code 362)

GSM 900 / 1800
Network 362-51
Roaming on Dauphin (free of charges) and international
::::Telem Group of Company::::

GSM 900 / 1800
Network 362-91
Roaming on UTS F (free of charges) and international
Chippie SXM: Home

Anguilla (Country code 365)

Lime (a.k.a C&W)
GSM 850 / 1900
Network 365-84
Roaming on Or Ca and international
Landline Internet Mobile and Entertainment Services : LIME Anguilla

Digicel Anguilla
GSM 900 / 1800 & 1900 (!!)
Network 338-05 (the same as Digicel Jamaica)
Roaming on Digicel F and international
Home - Cell Phones Anguilla. Phones, Ringtones, Mobile Phone Plans. Digicel Anguilla Cellular

GSM 900
Network 365-01
No roaming at all

Last edited by Schlips1; 15-11-2010 at 23:38.. Reason: Network code Digicel Anguilla explication
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