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Posts: 32
Join Date: 23 Aug 2010

31-08-2010, 05:12
Originally Posted by inquisitor
Do you still have the branded dashboard installed on your computer? I assume there's some background process from the branded dashboard, that prevents the unbranded dashboard from accessing your device properly.
First, I indeed installed the generic over branded. Then, after encountering the above problem, I have uninstall it. Saying "it" I mean there was only one 3G Watcher in the list of the installed programs. After rebooting, I installed the generic software. Did not work. I did not clean registry or some sophisticated "cleaning" though.
Btw Vodafone Germany now sell the Huawei K3765-HV HSUPA-capable 3G stick (which I mentioned here before) for € 10 in their promotional offer, after their stock of the K3565-Z has been cleared. The new K3765-HV is unlocked and you can easily replace the Vodafone dashboard by a generic one from Huawei.
I would love to buy one, but I read somewhere I can't pay by a credit card and my addressee should pay in cash to the delivery service. I don't feel comfortable to ask my German friend about that. In addition, I think my Sierra is better because of the upload speed and external antenna. So, I will, probably, try to unlock it with a third party software (still trying to do it via my provider).