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drama queen (Offline)
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Default 29-07-2010, 03:17

Originally Posted by petkow View Post
Hi Drama Queen. Thanks for the feedback. Carrefour is indeed quite a useful one as there are so many of their shops and associates around which means that picking up a SIM is a lot easier than many of the other MVNO's. I am glad it worked out so well for you. I also have had no significant problems lately with coverage on Orange. They are improving all the time. Also interesting to know that Carrefour have no problems with VoIP usage. I think this is the same on most of the other MVNO's that use Orange (e.g. I know on my Simyo I have no problems). Movistar is the other network that also has no VoIP restrictions.

I used to have a Carrefour SIM but a long time ago. Was the Carrefour SIM that you got on the data tariff a normal Voice SIM as well? (i.e. could you make and receive calls?) The only downside that I can see with Carrefour is the 3 euro minimum monthly spend requirement. In practice, this would mean that visitors who only visit Spain once or twice a year cannot feasibly maintain their cards but would have to pick up a new SIM every
The Carrefour SIM is intended for use in their Dongle, and I think it is meant to be data only. They also sell it with a dongle, and in this case the dongle software probably automatically installs the correct APN.

I have not tried making a voice call - I am afraid it might switch me to a voice tariff or burn my credit on an expensive per minute tariff. I tried an incoming call but it didnt work.

It doesn't bother me as VOIP works and I also have my home SIM.

The great thing about this SIM is €1 for 100MB per day-that gives me all the web, email & VOIP I need plus GPS switched on all the tome streaming Google maps, and some Radio streaming. So far I am hitting around 40MB per day-well within quota.
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