23-07-2010, 23:42
Sorry... that was a stab in the dark! If you have a cheap local Spanish data plan, you could also consider using something like fishtext for cheap SMS back to the UK. (2p/SMS).
I take you've had a read through these pages already with regards to how to pick up a local Spanish SIM on an MVNO that gives you decent data rates? I think Masmovil is fairly decent these days. It's not too easy to find their SIM's in shops though. If you know what your address will be, you could also consider getting a Simyo SIM card delivered to you when you will be there. On Spanish prepaid SIM's, the cheapest SMS rates are with Yoigo (who charge you either 8 or 10c). Simyo, is not bad at 15c. There are some networks (e.g. Vodafone) that charge you as much as 69c!!