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Evan (Offline)
Senior Member
Prepaid Fan
Posts: 102
Join Date: 17 Aug 2009

Default 12-07-2010, 14:29

I need to break the overview into multiple posts, since the forum software doesn't allow post with above a certain number of characters.


UPDATED! 1. Data plan "Surf & Email 60", Internet (no proxy), 3€/month, 60MB volume included, 0.0009€/ΚΒ afterwards.

Detailed information (in English) here: - Pricing & Bundles

  • After subscribing to the plan, you get the first month for free.
  • Until 31/8, you get double the volume, i.e., 120MB.
  • The subscription is renewed automatically every 30 days.
  • The data packet can only be purchased once every month.
  • For manually entering the internet settings use APN:, usermane: user and password: pass.
  • You can also use WAP instead of internet settings, APN:, usermane: user, password: pass and proxy:, port: 5080.
  • Again (like Cosmote), the WAP server is not recommended, except if you really have to use it. Unlike Cosmote, the pricing between the two APNs is the same, however when you use WAP with proxy, you won't be able to access many services like e-mail etc.
  • The Vodafone data plan, offers the same bundled volume and price like the similar plan of Cosmote. However the plan of Cosmote is more flexible, since (a) it is not renewed automatically and (b) you can purchase as many 60/120MB additional packets as you like.


UPDATED! 2. Data Plan "Vodafone on Demand", Internet (no proxy), 19€/10-days, 10GB volume included

Detailed info (in English) here: - Vodafone Mobile Broadband on Demand

  • The Starter Pack costs 49€ with an USB Modem or 19€ without a modem. Both starter packs offer free access to the Internet for 10 days and 10GB. You can also buy sessions for 2, 8, 24 and 48 hours but the 10-day session is by far the cheapest.
  • With every new connection (i.e. purchasing a prepaid card and activating the data plan) you get 10 days for free.
  • Until 30/09/10 you get 10% extra time on every new activation of the plans, i.e., instead of 10 you get 11 days.
  • If want to enter the connection settings on your mobile/modem manually, just use the APN: web.session (everything else leave it blank).
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