Originally Posted by Stu
The best a roaming SIM company can hope to make off someone who has his own callbackserver, routes his/her own DIDs, etc is a modest profit.
I agree! They really must have a love-hate relationship with most of us on this forum!
Though a DIY solution is attractive on many counts, personally, the one thing I find always ends up costing me more than I had bargained for are some good stable DID's that I can reliably forward to a SIP address of my choice. Though many providers do appear to give you free/cheap DID's, for several countries these are quite restrictive.
I am not up to date with Maxroams offerings, as I will admit I steered clear of them after what I interpreted as misleading pricing on their site. However, for me a "One-stop solution" would involve me having full control over the DID's that they provide. This might involve disactivating the default forwarding to the roaming SIM and instead allow forwarding to a SIP address, fixed line or national SIM. Is this something Maxroam now provide?