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Stu (Offline)
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Default 05-07-2010, 15:59

I forward my own DIDs via my PBX. I am also implementing the Digium Skype to SIP gateway so that my mobile can be dialed from the ringtoskype gateway from numerous countries using a local number plus three digit extension.

Like most people on those forum, I am willing to work fairlymhard to keep my price down. Many people want a one stop shop. I presume this is maxroam's target audience.

On phones, I am like my mother-in-law who is a compulsive coupon clipper and organizes her shopping to squeeze every last dollar out of the process. She filled a grocery cart for $15 two weeks ago. The stores will never make money ger. We are the same. The best a roaming SIM company can hope to make off someone who has his own callbackserver, routes his/her own DIDs, etc is a modest profit.
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