It's now official.
Starbucks offers free Wi-Fi in Canada
Starting on Canada Day [that's today!], more than 750 Starbucks locations across the country will offer free Wi-Fi, the company said Wednesday. More than 100 of those locations are in Toronto.
Services will be provided by Bell Canada. In the past, purchasing a drink or food item earned customers two hours of access. The new system does not require a password or user name and will be unlimited...
Hardy said the need to distinguish Starbucks as a leisure destination is compounded in Canada, where the market is dominated by low-cost options like Tim Hortons.
“Starbucks had been hurting so I think they need it,” he said. “It takes the edge off being a four-buck cup of coffee. At least you get your Wi-Fi.”
I guess I'll find out on Sunday if the Starbucks at YYZ offer free WiFi.
[BTW Tim Hortons doen't offer WiFi, free or otherwise. That's not their demographic.]