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PaytooMobile (Offline)
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Default 02-06-2010, 12:00

Originally Posted by GadgetKen View Post
Agreed, Paytoo should not list countries on their website that their backbone carrier does not currently have roaming agreements with. Bermuda is listed both in the "mobile rates" and "mobile coverage" sections. Most people will go by the countries covered list and rate calculator on the Paytoo website rather than by roaming agreements listed on the 3rd party gsmworld website. Appreciate the quick response from Paytoomobile, but it sounds like the Paytoo website needs to be tweaked a little

Fortunately I have a Digicel Bermuda prepaid sim chip for calls home at a reasonable price, plus ekit simplecalling and Iridium as somewhat pricier backups.

TOTALY AGREE, we wonder why we have Bermuda in our roaming listing provided by Vodaphone IF they dont have any roaming agreement.....

We will check countries by countries, but maybe the confusion came from the contries WHERE we can do the terminaison.....

We will keep ou posted

Sorry for this Error

Paytoo Mobile
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