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andy (Offline)
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Prepaid Prophet
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Default 30-04-2010, 20:22

The application appears to have 3 VeriSign certificates, one of which expired in late January

I sent them a query about this, and the reply told me to contact my phone manufacturer for advice on how to do SIP settings

I sent the query back, and it's been ignored

It might be worth someone else trying to ask

The trouble was, even when I switched off the phone checking that the application is certified, it was still rejected. I don't know if this applies to all phones; this was a Nokia 6120c

I found some internet discussions about self-signing applications, but it's something I don't know about or quite understand, and perhaps it is not possible anyway on some Symbian phones, such as S60 series 3

Last edited by andy; 30-04-2010 at 20:29..
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