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bbob (Offline)
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Prepaid Expert
Posts: 499
Join Date: 20 Feb 2007

Default 23-04-2010, 14:39


I would still want to know where there are incoming call cost for the netherlands. When calling a dutch cellphone number and the phone being registered on a dutch network this should not cost anything for incoming calls ?

Hello Sir

Yackie Mobile and Paytoo / Paytoo Mobile are registered brand of Paymotech, which is a tradable company and we do have one office, and more than one

We have one office to FLorida, Fort Lauderdale, One in Australia, Brisbane and One in EUrope, Paris....



link to this company on the stock exchange.

Yackie this doesn't look very good. When looking at the value of the stock
Introducetion around end 2008 ant 2.00
1-7-09 around 0.6
19-2-10 around 0.28
23-4-10 around 0.001

Seems like the value of the stock is worth almost nothig. Also there is no finacial information on the website. Normally a company registered on a stockexchange would publish this information on their website.

Last edited by bbob; 23-04-2010 at 14:55.. Reason: new info
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