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Bossman (Offline)
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Location: Chicago

Default 18-04-2010, 14:49

My areacode is 646. I have not really checked what state that is. It really does not matter to me, and should not for most US users that will just be forwarding their number to it. Since pretty much all mobiles include nationwide calling. In a few cases, some landlines still charge for long distance, then the areacode could be an issue. My landline is vonage so, not an issue for me.

PS. I went to Jamaica 3 weeks ago, with the hope of using this (and my other sims of course) for incoming calls. Because of the good rate of $019. So, I forwarded my our mobiles and landlines to it. It was absolutely useless for incoming calls. I tested it as soon as we got there. May be 1 in 10 calls came through. I quickly resorted to my other sim card, telna, etc. that charged higher rates, but worked perfectly. So, it's one thing to have a US number, it's another to be able to actually receive calls on it at your destination. Bottom line - always have at least one backup plan.

Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
Sim cards: AT&T (Contract), 3 UK, Piranha Mobile
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