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Evan (Offline)
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Default 07-04-2010, 08:32

Originally Posted by Big_Nige View Post
The only downside is that without an AFM you can't log-in to check your bill etc, so this year I plan to get one.
I had to get an AFM back when I worked in Greece for 3 years and I still got it since I have some assets there. However, I never thought of subscribing on any binding contract since I left Greece, given the hassle of making/breaking a contract.

If you plan to get an AFM for the sole purpose of signing up on a mobile contract and checking your bill online, I would advice against it, considering the complex and bureaucratic nature of the Greek tax system/office, and given the fact that the situation in prepaid mobile data has changed a lot since last year.

For example, WIND currently offers 100MB/month absolutely free (1.5GB/mo for subscribers before 23 March) and Q-mobile offers 100MB for 1€ (and up to 400MB/month for 4€). And if you want to stay on Vodafone network, the "Vodafone On Demand" plan, offers up to 1GB/day for 1.9€/day.
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