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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default International mode - 24-02-2010, 05:28

Originally Posted by kupe View Post
If I log in in International mode 1+PIN I do NOT receive my call- it goes straight to voicemail. I know that is the expensive way to go in the US, but it should work nonetheless- it used to in testing anyhow. Seems like International mode is dead for incoming to the US number.
Actually, I think they have it set up [I somehow recall something about this but I don't know where I learned this] so that you will NOT receive US# calls in the US if you are in 'Global mode. They then send an SMS saying it is cheaper if you get into US mode.

Which ekit card do you have? I am not sure that would make a difference but there are different rates for different cards. I don't know--mabe I am just curious.
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