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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 22-02-2010, 10:52

I have not tried to send sms from the card. However, I sent sms to the DID from several providers, including tmobile, google voice, and AT&T. All worked except for AT&T, whjich bounced back instantly with an invalid number mesage. I first tried this a few months ago. I tried again from AT&T today, and it still bounced back instantly. BTW, nowhere do they disclose your global number. I guess one can try to send an sms and see what shows on the receiving end if it goes through.

EDIT: I just tried to send an sms and it did not go through. I got an instant sms that sms capability is NOT supported yet.

Originally Posted by squawk1200 View Post
Am thinking about using Telna, but have a few questions... Have they gotten SMS to work? Also, they state that inbound SMS is free, but I have not seen on their site what outbound SMS costs are... Any idea? Can you SMS a Telna customer via the US DID or do you need to use the "global" number?


Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
Sim cards: AT&T (Contract), 3 UK, Piranha Mobile
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