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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 08-02-2010, 21:19

I think I remember your post in Howard Forums. And I was one of those that recommended Celtrek and also mentioned that you check out this forum. Unfortunately, the global sim market is very dynamic right now. There are too many players offering the same thing and the market just cannot sustain them all. So, a lot of them will fall by the way side, especially as carriers (mostly in the EU) continue to reduce their roaming rates.

Have you looked into Telna mobile at all? I did not see Costa Rica on their list of countries though. They only charge you monthly (your credit card) when you use it and they also give you a US number. I guess that is what their $19/yearly fee covers. And that is the only up-front cost, since they have free shipping in the US. There are a couple of threads about telna in the forums here, so you may want to check them out.

Here is their website: telna Mobile - Low cost cellular service for international travelers(international sim card for reduced roaming for inbound and outbound calls while abroad)

Originally Posted by DLCPhoto View Post
I have limited International needs - a trip to Costa Rica in a few weeks, one to Greece a couple of months after that. Want to use my Verizon Touch Pro 2. I purchased a Celtrek SIM with $45 credit about 2 weeks ago, got a U.S. number, tested it out, and thought I was good to go. Starting last week, however, it appears that they may have bit the dust, so I'm back to square one...

I'm interested in EKit - and as others have pointed out, there is a multiplicity of cards and options, which given my limited experience and needs, makes this a tough thing to sort out.

I've contacted them through EBay, but no response yet, asking what card/plan would be appropriate for my situation. As per above, I want a U.S. number so family can call if they need, and reasonably inexpensive rates to call U.S. from those 2 countries. Don't need a large amount of minutes, as we'll just touch base from time to time.

I don't want or need Data, Texting might be worthwhile if cost-effective.

Any recommendations on a specific EBay EKit product to purchase for these needs?

Thank you.

Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
Sim cards: AT&T (Contract), 3 UK, Piranha Mobile

Last edited by andy; 08-02-2010 at 22:09.. Reason: posts merged after moving one to here
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