An Observation about ekit SIM cards if you plan on using them in the USA. -
05-02-2010, 19:47
If you are going to use ekit in the USA, you will want to get a SIMple Calling Service or SIMple Calling Plus Service SIM card rather than the 'standard' ekit SIM cards. Why? Because the USA [& Canada] rates are much better than the 'standard' ekit SIM card rates. A little time spent on the ekit web site comparing rates will confirm this for you. To find the TWO SIMple calling cards use the SIM search function at and choose 'All countries' for "Works in:" and 'United States' for "Shipping to:". To purchase at a very reasonable cost, find the appropriate card on eBay at sellers ekitmobile and ekitmobileusa. Each of these sellers sells only one of the SIMple calling cards and you need to check the rates to figure out which one is the one right for you and the one you want.