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Schlips1 (Offline)
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Posts: 64
Join Date: 20 Sep 2009

Default 06-01-2010, 20:25


it is completly crazy and depends:
- T-Mobile (original)
- Vodafone (original)
They do not expire, but they deactivate the SIM if it is not used. Advise: Send a SMS every half year. And then this: Vodafone had a new "idea": They switch the tariff, you are on. The new "advanced" tariffs deducts 1,50 EUR / month. You have to complain to get switched back.
- E-Plus (original)
Depends how much you top-up. Every top-up extends to a maximum of 2 years (older Sims / one year new ones). They got the same great idea then Vodafone and want to deduct a monthly fee, if not used
- o2 (original)
One year. It does not matter, how much you top-up
- ViStream
Usually 13 months (Solomo)
- Fonic (o2)
No expiry
- Simyo, Blue (E-Plus)
Adds half a year, maximum one year

Basicly: You, as an user of the Sim-card do have a contract. This means: They have to obey the rules (eg. the expiry rules) they had, when you bought the Sim. Look at your papers! They may offer you a change to a new "advanced" tariff, but they are not allowed to change the contract without you agreeing the change. In reality, they try - and you have to complain.
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