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9eor9 (Offline)
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Default "Grund Gebühr" and an "Anschluß Gebühr" - 15-12-2009, 20:04 not the same. Grundgebühr (basic fee) is for instance the monthly fee of a contract without additional costs. If you do not use your mobile, you'll have to pay that only, if you use it the additional costs will be added.

Anschlussgebühr is the charge which they want at the beginning (to do anything at all for you), but only once.
This covers for instance the very high expenses of your new SIM......
So there are often adverts like "Heute keine (=today no) Anschlussgebühr" which means that you can save this fee today in that shop.

Last edited by 9eor9; 15-12-2009 at 20:23..
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