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petkow (Offline)
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Location: Madrid

Default 09-12-2009, 19:14

The area code is right for the area. Corruption and fleecing of foreigners is a BIG problem down there. There is that general theory that you can tell an expat anything and it will be believed. Problem is that in so many cases that is exactly the case.

There are some local gated expat communities where instead of getting a normal telefonica line you get a private extension a bit like in a hotel. This still gives you an incoming number but there are some advantages like free calls within the compound and a personalised concierge. It is often falsely marketed as being better value especially if you will be away for long periods in a year like many expats will be in Spain.

As long as she proves that the property is hers (owned or rented) she can get her own private line put in! Of course that will not be the problem but the community will do anything in their power to stop this. Also it is highly likely that the fat cigar smoking and BMW driving president of the community, as well as the mayor of the village is in cahoots with Telefonica who will state that it is impossible to get a new line put in as the area is not cabled or some other excuse. Unfortunately Spain is Spain and corruption is still a disgusting problem.

But does she really not get any GSM signal on any of the networks? At least movistar should be there! Apart from a few offbeat farms and mountain refuges zero GSM coverage is almost impossible these days in most parts of the peninsula that have a few built houses. If she can get at least some signal, a GPRS trigger with the easy to use VOIP client from Voipbuster will be the best by far. You can set it up so that it permanantly dials her home number, and she can select her calling party from a small contacts list.
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