Yes, that is absolutely correct. You buy 2 Simcards of 3 Austria and can call each other in Italy for free (something I haven't thought about yet). It doesn't even make a difference if one SIM card is roaming on 3 UK and the other one stays in 3 ITA.
The question is, if they will lock your cards after some time in accordance to any fair use policy (I haven't read yet about that, but it would make sense to me)
It will even become better. 3 AT will launch the new INQ mini 3G, a social platform mobile phone including Twitter, Facebook, Skype and some more in November as a prepaid offer for Euro 99,-. I know, Skype did work for free on the Skypephone with 3 Like Home...
Find below the "google-translated" text OFF the 3 AT website regarding 3 Like Home:
Have you had enough of expensive roaming charges abroad? Then we have good news for you: From now on the favorable 3Tariff also apply in many other countries. For all 3Kunden without charge and without signup.
If Italy, Great Britain, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Australia and Hong Kong are one of our destinations, we now have great news for you: From now on the 3 network in these countries are in the favorable 3Tarife *, and save yourself any roaming costs!
With 3 Like Home you can benefit in all 3countrys by the same conditions as at home as long as you use the 3 network in the country you are visiting!!

Suppose you are in Rome and want to call your family in Austria. Then you are charged with 3 Like Home, the same as if you were in Austria. Or imagine you are in London and will be called. Then you don't pay a cent - the usual passivcharges usually are dropped.
If you use your 3Data Treaty or your 3DataCard in Sydney, each MB with no premium deducted from your services included in the packet data volume. Just like in Austria.
More on MoreForYou and 3Data find them on our
tariff sheet.
The billing for the 3 Like Home can be normal as in the conventional roaming in a subsequent accounting period, thus it may happen that under the 3 Like Home service is not used in the current month on your cost control directly in the phone or the Internet are evident.
If you have any questions, you read it simply our
FAQs 3LikeHome or contact the 3ServiceTeam at the free number 0800/30 30 30.
3 Like Home is for 3Pronto and 3ReLoad customers only available on 3 network of the 3 Like Home countries, Italy, Great Britain, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark and Hong Kong. A change in the composition of the list of countries 3LikeHome reserved.
3 Like Home is valid only while the mobile is registered in the customer's 3 network in the country. Information about the network selection and adoption of the net in use can be found in the technical description of the use of your terminal.