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mhalverson12 (Offline)
Junior Member
Posts: 5
Join Date: 26 Aug 2009

Default 26-08-2009, 21:18

I don't plan on using my cell phone much at all while I'm in Europe. I'll always be calling back to the states using Skype. I have several friends that are studying abroad as well in various EU countries. I didn't want to have to mess around with 4-5 different sim cards so I just got a global card. Texting is €0,11 outgoing and free incoming wherever I am in Europe so for meeting up with my friends that's all I need. But if someone from home (US) needs to get a hold of me immediately I'm looking for the cheapest solution for them to call.

I just found the calling card site Are these reputable cards?

Oh and I'll be living in Germany. I'm not sure how often I'll be making calls from my cell phone since I'll also be using Skype for calling German numbers (if I'm at my laptop). But if I do end up needing cheap German domestic rates what are the best Germany SIM carriers?

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