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bbob (Offline)
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Default 11-08-2009, 08:40

Logged into the backend and saw that on my case around 17 jul they started to charge for these calls.

Voicetrading sents me an update every month on their new call rates. As these seen to change a lot it's good to have them as you can see what has changed.

Looking back now I really would have liked to see and to have sent out emails to their customers so they can take notice of these changes.

I don't check their rates daily or even weekly and the same applies to their terms. Under dutch law and I don't know if this applies to UK law, changes in terms (for private users) are only valid if they are notified about them.

As MobileMan said there are more changes and the least both could have done is inform their customers of these major rate en term changes. Not doing this is a big negative for both companies in my opinion.
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