21-07-2009, 22:31
Well, I gave up on Travel Sim UK as they aren't going to offer dual-sim to United Mobile customers and they no longer have free inbound in Brazil, which is 1 of the 3 countries I will be traveling to soon. I had considered Geo-Sim but their dual-sims aren't out yet and their rate for people calling the US number will be 35cents/min compared to Ekit's 19cents/min.
To add my data points:
1) My Ekit US area code is 508, a Massachusetts number. Would have liked a NY number as that is where I'm from, but it doesn't really matter.
2) All of my test calls have been working to and from US numbers.
3) The rate being charged is definitely 19cents/min with no 35cent connection.
4) I deactivated my voicemail and turned off my phone and tried to call the phone, and got that option to send SMS. But, I was not charged for this. Since I will only give my US number to people in the US, they will not be charged anything either. However, it would be nice to turn this option off and make it appear to ring, though the only reason I turned off voicemail is because I am using Google Voice for call forwarding to this phone and voicemail. When Ekit implements free voicemail access from the website, I will probably change my setup.
5) All of the quick 3 digit access numbers I tried worked without any *. Using * did not work, even though the Telestial website for the Passport card says to use *869* for disabling voicemail. Are the * necessary when abroad?
6) I have not tested calling abroad and will not.
I'm going to Paris and worried about Kupe's experience there. Kupe, you said you would go again in early July. Did you go? Did you have problems? =/