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bbob (Offline)
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Default 16-07-2009, 09:35

I did not read it in the because you answers where in the text where you quoted me, and normally I don't read my own quotes. Please use the quotes in the correct way so the answers are visable and clear to everyone.

So from what I can read in your answer.

So the cellphone can't be called directly ?
Off course you can have a direct call on the different DID connected
SMS has to go direct to the number connected to the sim it's can't go to a did connected to the sim. This means the sim does have a number as you need this number to sent sms. You can't call the sim direct this has to go through a DID number.

So your answer above is not correct the sim can't be called directly it can only go through a did.

YOU CAN'T receive an SMS to a DID,
You mean your system does not allow this. These days in europe many phone companies do allow sending sms to a local not cellphone number. You will than receive a call and the message is read to you. So technically it should be possible to forward a sms to a fixed line to an mobile number. It won't be easy but it should be possible.

If you are using OUR DID ,directly attached to your SIM, you will just have the incoming call, and not an extra cost with the forwarding
It's nice how you try to market this. But it's plain an simple forwarding. If you have say a spanish DID number and your sim is say based poland (you haven't told us the country yet) Than someone calls the spanish number and this call will go to spain and has to find it's way to the home country of the sim. For me this is forwarding and forwarding will cost money. You just don't call it forwarding but you have to pay for an incoming call. This is the same you have to pay for it.

If I have a spanish did and forward this to my uk mobile using voicetrading I also have to pay 8 cents per minute for the forwarding and yes I can also call this 8 cents for incoming calls.

So the big question here is how much will you charge for incoming calls. Your statement was that it's the lowest price in the market, so tell us the rate and than we will know if this is cheap or just another marketing statement.

Let me make a guess it's won't be as cheap as doing your own forwarding and because of this you are not calling this forwarding but just incoming call costs.

I do like did's being linked to a sim and forward the call to the sim.
I don't like not being able to call the sim directly, but I asume you would like to prevent direct calling as this undermines your business 'model.
I don't like having a seperate number for sms. This means you have to give away 2 numbers to friends, customers 1 for sms 1 for calling. This is not practical.

So far it seems that you have not solved caller id because of legal issues. Calls need to have some sort of caller id as some people just don't answer an anounymous call these days. You can't use the caller id for the sim as the sim can't be called directly. Leaves the option of using the number of 1 of you did's as caller id.

Don't know if this really is an issue. Betamax makes it possible through voip. You can use a caller id of any mobile or fixed phone that you have verified with them. Meaning you control this phone. Voicetrading even lets me use any caller id I want

european number, NOT UK, NOT surtaxed
So this is the big question which country ? Belgium like maxraom maybe?

As for surtaxed, again some companies do surtax the isle of man and jersey numbers others don't.

My biggest problem is not being able to call the sim directly. It's nice to have did being forwared to the sim but what happens in 1/2 year or 1 year when you have to change platforms again. We have seen so many switches and problems these days that it looks like we have to changes almost every year.
But maybe you can tell us for example that when your sim stops working for whatever reasons the did numbers (voip I asume) can still be reached and that customers are able to forward these did to another sim maybe a competitor and that you just charge x cents per minute for doing this forward.

Look at it this way, if you were to offer that service I think many users here would be interested in having a did number and forward that to their isle of man, jersey or estonian based sim. Using pbxes and voip you can do this yourself but it's to complex for most users.

Last edited by bbob; 16-07-2009 at 09:46..
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