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Stu (Offline)
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Prepaid Guru
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Default 13-07-2009, 00:51

I bought an unlocked Sierra 881u off E-bay for $60. It was ATT branded, but if you download the Sierra 3g watcher software from the Sierra site, it works good with everyone. I've used it on ATT, TMobile, Etisilat, and 3uk. It is triband HSUPA plus EDGE and GPRS. I've used it on EDGE many times and it performs well. It also picks up a signal better than most.

Check out this link for a good offer I found:

I also carry a long USB cable similar to this one:

so that I don't wind up having to sit on a toilet (or worse) surfing because it is the only place in the house that has a signal. I also own a Cradlepoint router which I sometimes carry with me and highly recommend.

Last edited by Stu; 13-07-2009 at 00:58..
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