Thread: O2 Germany
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callfan (Offline)
Official Member
Posts: 45
Join Date: 16 Jan 2007
Location: Ferrara (Emilia-Romagna)

Default O2 Germany - 11-07-2009, 13:05

Hi guys! I'm going to spend 6 days in Germany, and I need some info about o2 sim cards. I read they have really good offers for international calls (to Italy, in this case), that is 29 cent/€ per minute.
My questions are:

1) where can I buy the sim card? Assuming I'm going to spend about 5 hours in Frankfurt airport

2) do I need a german address? And how can I activate it?

3) how much airtime do I have after activation, and where can I buy top-ups?

Thank you, you're really precious!


Italian main SIM Cards:

3 Italy
iPhone 3G 8GB with 3Power (postpaid offer)
Vodafone Italy
Nokia N73 with Vodafone Tempo Libero (postpaid offer too)

International SIM Cards:
1 United Mobile (mmh...when it works)
1 Vodafone UK
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