Unfortunately I cannot recommend these guys anymore either. I am still waiting for a few tickets to be answered by them from about 3 months ago. Incidentally they were always marked as "resolved".
Anyhow, as mentioned the product is no longer even close to what they once marketed it as. You now get a Belgian number which you have to pay incoming with everywhere even in Belgium.
I might have mentioned it before, but there used to be a bit on their website FAQ's which has now been removed:
Originally Posted by maxroam website 2008
I have seen other travel SIM services. Why is MAXroam better?
The common method for all “alternative roaming” SIM’s is to originate their service in somewhere like Latvia, Estonia or Liechtenstein, or via a UK-based toll-free phone number. This approach doesn’t work very well. We know because our first product “Roam4Free” used this method.
The problem is that people have to call a strange country code just to call you. It just isn’t intuitive and it isn’t user-friendly. With MAXroam we have made the service work as you would expect plus we’ve added a lot of new features that you will have never seen before.