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Lucy (Offline)
Official Member
Posts: 30
Join Date: 28 Jun 2009

Default Tchibo for internet, Q about mobile phone roaming - 29-06-2009, 16:09

So Tchibo seems best for internet. I saw on the website that there could be a two week delay getting the usb stick. Is that only for internet sales? Will I have a problem in shops? Or should I order via the internet now to make sure it arrives at a German address in time?

Re mobile phones, i read that the eplus network Alditalk uses is bad, clogged. So that Fonic would be better.

I found this comparison chart about mobile carriers which seems to be out of date in terms of minute prices:
Google Translate

Is there some chart that compares what the mobile companies charge for roaming inside Europe? For example, if i go to France for a few days, what will it cost me to make local calls? To call Germany?

I see Fonic charges
o 9 cents per minute for calls to landline numbers in Europe, the USA and Canada.
o 29 cents per minute for calls to mobile numbers in Europe, the USA and Canada

But what about FROM France to French numbers?

I see that there are quite a few German discount carriers that sell plans where the sim cost is free or equals the minutes included. Can't find that in France. (Orange costs 30 EUR for a sim!) Or am I looking in the wrong place?
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