16-06-2009, 18:29
I have been using voip only for more than 2 years now. My business only works on voip.
Different voip numbers in different countries.
I have us customers call me and answer it in europe. This is using les.net / pbxes.com and call quality is good.
Outgoing calls voicetrading and quality is also good.
Just remember get a good provider, their are many that are not that expensive. Call quality should normally be simular to normal phones.
Magic Jack is a software based solution and if your computer is busy or if it does not have qos than you might have some bad lines sometimes. Qos gives priority to voip calls over other interent traffic. Most modern hardware devices have qos installed. If you have a router you need on e with qos.
It does work. For example i was downloading using emule. Whenever I made a call I could see the emule speed drop in favour on voip. ended the call and the download speed of emule went up again. But specially with p2p traffic if you download a lot and have manu incoming connections than even when you have qos voip might not work 100%