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FBlack_111 (Offline)
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Default Using VoIP to replace a land line - 15-06-2009, 17:14

A friend has 4 cell phones on a family plan with ATT. So he decided to give up his $40+ a month land line and buy a Magic Jack. He bought the Magic Jack because it's fairly inexpensive, has a jack to connect his regular phones to it, and it's easy to set up. He first tested his Roadrunner Cable modem and got a Jitter reading of 3.6 and packet loss of 0.

So he had me call him as a test. Frankly, I thought the sound was not very good. The volume was low and had less quality than a cell phone. There was a slight background echo of my voice and occasional broken speech.

So is this normal for all VoIP services? Or could it just be the Magic Jack or his system? Anyone have a better solution for replacing a land line that also connects to his other phones?
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