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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 04-06-2009, 12:53

Originally Posted by Motel75 View Post
Thanks, Przemolog - that's great news, and it fixes what was previously Heyah's stupidest problem.
I found it here only: Samodzielna konfiguracja us?ug ? Samouczek ?
click "Heyah na kartę" ("standard" prepaid) or "Heyah Mix" (contract prepaid with a phone) and "Konfiguracja". However, I haven't tested it.
E.g. in these FAQ Odpowiedzi na pytania odno?nie mobilnego internetu ? Masz pytania? - Mobilny Internet -
the answer to the question "Nie mam aktywnej usługi Heyah Internet? (dostęp do Internetu w sieci Heyah)" (I don't have the active Heyah Internet service? (the access to Internet in the Heyah network)) is:
"We invite to self-service at Telefony w Heyah MIX - Sony Ericsson W595, Nokia 5000, Sony Ericsson C702, Nokia 5310, Nokia 6300 -, self-service via IVR or to a consultant". Not a word about SMS activation.

The Heyah website is in fact very inconsistent. Eg. foreign language versions still refer to 0.44 PLN/min for national calls .
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