Yes, that's correct.
There's also a third option:
solomo pro
With solomo pro you also pay € 0,09/min or € 0,29/min to Italy, but they bill in seconds after the first minute, whereas Ortel and Fonic always bill whole minutes. So if your call exceeds 60 seconds solomo pro is always cheaper than the others, as they bill more exactly.
Domestic calls cost € 0,08/min to landlines and € 0,10/min to mobiles. Here again the more exact billing makes solomo pro cheaper than Fonic.
SMS - no matter if national or international - are charged with € 0,14.
The only disadvantage of solomo pro is that you can order it only online and you can pay and recharge it only by credit card or German bank account.
If you order solomo pro through the link above, you'll receive an extra credit of € 5. So for the initial price of € 14,95 you'll get € 15 of credit.
Solomo pro has also very cheap roaming rates. Incoming calls in most European countries including Italy cost only € 0,10/min and they've also decent outgoing rates while roaming.
Further solomo pro includes a VoIP-account, through which you can answer calls free of charge if you're outside Germany.
They use the eplus network, so you'll experience the same coverage as with Ortel.
Please notice, that those cheap international rates do only apply for solomo
pro but not for their other tariff ("0/8/5").