08-05-2009, 21:50
Dear all,
Although I don't intervene much on the forum I regularly check your feedback and try to improve our customer service.
As you have noticed we recently changed provider. It was not easy as we had to swap all our existing SIM cards.
Our website is under dramatic change and APIs are being developed as we speak.
From Monday May 11th we will have more people answering the phone. More telephone lines. Our toll free number will include more channels.
Local numbers will be available online from May 20th. Existing customers will be able to assign local numbers as well.
Thanks to you we are learning and improving our service daily.
PM me for personal issues as I don't want to turn this forum in a CelTrek chat room.
BTW CelTrek is our brand name operating under Global Roaming Inc since day one. Nothing has changed on the subject. We are still Global Roaming Inc and CelTrek is still our brand name.
I hope this short message clears any doubt you may have.
Again I invite you to PM me for personal issues.
Have a great week-end!
Florian Seroussi