It sounds like you bought the topup and then opted for the flatrate data. In my case, since the data was included with the USB card, there is the notation about the 72 hours. My guess is that someone needs to manually turn the data on for the zero cash balance card.
Originally Posted by TheMadBrewer
Just a data point for anybody in the future:
I bought the Tchibo surf stick back in December (well, actually my brother bought it, but I have it now  )
I arrived in Germany Friday night. Saturday morning I stopped at a Tclibo shop, bought a €20 topup (yes, I realize an O2 one should work). I fired up my laptop (Macbook Air) stuck in the stick and fired up the "Mobile Partner" software. Clicked on "Guthaben verwaltungen" (or something similar), entered the voucher number and I was off. The internet came right up and has worked flawlessly since. It went much more smoothly than I figured (because I am a pessimist  )
Of course, the landlord of the apartment I use has replaced his crappy WiFi with a fast DSL connection and a good router, so I don't actually need the Tchibo service as much as I had figured.