Unfotunately, not exactly. I bought the SIM and USB stick on Saturday, and get directed to a page telling me my credit has expired.
When I went back to the Tchibo site, I read the small print:
Bei Kauf des Tchibo Internet Sticks erhalten Sie die Internet-Flatrate 10GB im ersten Monat inklusive. Diese wird Ihnen im Prepaid-Tarif innerhalb von 72 Stunden nach Registrierung aufgeladen.
Although my German is not good at all, I believe that says they have 72 hours to turn on the service. Certainly a problem for a tourist who will not be in Germany for very long.
Originally Posted by inquisitor
Yes, after the registration fax has been filed, you should be able to surf under the flatrate without any additional activation. You could send that SMS anyway - as there won't be € 20 of credit left in your account, it won't have any effect.