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ronwi (Offline)
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Default 27-04-2009, 20:58

Is it correct that if I buy the 49.95 Euro special (stick + SIM + 10GB) that once the fax is sent from the store, the SIM will work? No need for SMS to establish service, correct?(going to buy in Berlin on 1 May, which I hope is not a holiday in Berlin.)

I'm also assuming that I can place the Tchibo SIM that I buy with the USB stick in my unlocked Palm device and it will function in there as well.

Originally Posted by inquisitor View Post
Yes. But don't forget to top up your credit to at least € 20 and thereafter to activate the data option before you connect to the web. Further you'll need to set an access profile for Tchibo in Mobile Partner, which uses the APN "webmobil1".

Yes. But all three Tchibo SIMs, for which I've activated the data flatrate so far had to be activated by phone, as SMS-based activation failed each time. So be prepared to call customer care at 017964242 and ask them for activation of the "Datenflat". Also the Tchibo SIM must be registered before they will activate any option for you. If you buy it in a shop it might take some hours until the shop employees have faxed the registration form and it has been filed.
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