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saintsimon (Offline)
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Default 21-04-2009, 00:37

Originally Posted by ronwi View Post
It appears that the Betamax numbers are now reachable from Eplus.

I am going to Berlin next week and was thinking of buying one of the Tchibo SIMs with USB internet: Tchibo - Internet Stick inkl. Prepaid SIM-Karte

I understand that Tchibo uses O2, and Tchibo has a flatrate to landlines of 12.95 EUR per month. However, it has been poste here the O2 cannot dial the Betamax number. However, it appears that things can change, given that Eplus can not dial Betamax.

Can anyone in Germany who has O2 (or Tchibo) try dialing the Betamax access number at 03031190303 and see if it now works? Thanks.
Eplus access to Betamax numbers (in Berlin at least) was never blocked in the first place. Inquisitor did make assumptions.

To state facts: I just tried Tchibo and that number IS blocked.
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